Titanic alternate ending

As the RMS Carpathia cuts through the chilling Atlantic fog, Jack and Rose emerge from below deck, hand in hand. Clad in borrowed clothing, they sport tired smiles, their eyes heavy yet twinkling with a sense of accomplishment and relief.

Suddenly, Rose spots her mother, Ruth, and her fiance, Cal, in the crowd. Cal's face is hard, his eyes dull. Ruth, on the other hand, looks aghast, her gaze darting between Rose and Jack. Shock registers on their faces as they notice the young lovers alive and together. Rose squares her shoulders, pulling Jack closer to her side.

With a defiant smile, Rose approaches Ruth and Cal. "Mother," she greets. Cal glares at Jack, seething. "You," he growls, "I thought you were..."

"Dead?" Jack cuts him off, his grin mocking. "Not quite, Hockley."

Cal's jaw clenches, but he says nothing. Ruth, however, reaches out to Rose, her facade breaking. "Rose, I thought...I thought I'd lost you."

"You did, Mother," Rose says, her voice firm yet not unkind. "But not to the sea. You lost me when you decided my future without consulting me."

Ruth steps back, her eyes welling up with tears. She turns to look at Cal, who stands rigid, his pride bruised. With a nod from Rose, she walks away, leaving Rose and Cal alone.

Looking at Cal, Rose releases Jack's hand and returns the Heart of the Ocean diamond to him. "I won't be needing this," she says, her tone final.

Cal snatches the diamond, his eyes hard. Yet, he says nothing, only stepping aside and allowing Rose and Jack to pass.

Together, they disappear into the crowd, leaving Cal and Ruth behind. Their survival on the ill-fated Titanic marked the beginning of a new chapter in their lives - a chapter they chose to write together.

The RMS Carpathia finally docks in New York, a city bustling with life and energy. Jack and Rose disembark, their hands clasped tightly as they step onto American soil. The sight of the sprawling city skyline fills them with awe and anticipation, each skyscraper representing a new opportunity, a fresh start.

They make their way through the crowd, disappearing into the thrum of the city. Their first few hours in New York are spent in a daze, the city's relentless pace somewhat overwhelming. But the two of them, survivors at heart, quickly find their bearings.

They find a small apartment in a tenement building on the Lower East Side. It's cramped and modest but it's theirs, a sanctuary in the heart of the city. Jack finds work as a dock worker during the day. In his free hours, he draws portraits of immigrants and workers, his talent shining through even in these rudimentary sketches.

Rose, meanwhile, gets a job at a local diner. It's a world away from the opulence she was used to, but she prefers the warmth and camaraderie of the diner to the cold, impersonal luxury of her past life.

Their days are filled with hard work and their nights with shared dreams and hopes. Jack sketches by the dim light of the lamp, his pencil dancing over paper while Rose tells stories of her childhood, their laughter echoing in the small room. Their love blossoms amidst the bustle of the city, cemented by the memories of the disaster they left behind.

In these early days, they learn the ways of the city, adapting, surviving, and growing. Every challenge they face, they face together, their bond growing stronger with each passing day. Despite their humble life, they are content, their shared experience on the Titanic a constant reminder of their resilience and the love they found in the face of adversity.

Life in the heart of New York proves to be challenging. The rent for their small apartment, though modest by city standards, eats into a significant chunk of their income. Jack's wages from the dock and his occasional income from his street portraits, coupled with Rose's earnings from the diner, barely cover their living expenses.

Each day, Jack wakes up at the break of dawn, heading to the docks. The work is grueling, unloading and loading cargo onto ships. His hands, once used to delicately maneuvering a pencil or paintbrush, now bear the rough calluses of manual labor. But he never complains, returning home late in the evening, only to start sketching for the street the next day.

Rose's work at the diner isn't any easier. She's on her feet for long hours, serving customers, clearing tables, and at times, even helping in the kitchen. Her hands, which once held only fancy tea cups and dinner cutlery, now scrub pots and handle hot plates. Yet she faces each day with a determined smile, buoyed by the knowledge that this is the life she chose, one of independence and free from societal expectations.

The nights are often late and the mornings early. They have little time for each other during the week, and the exhaustion leaves them drained. But they still find moments of happiness, brief interludes that remind them of why they're here.

On their day off, they roam the city, hand in hand. Jack sketches in Central Park, while Rose reads. Occasionally, they treat themselves to a cheap theatre show, their hearts full as they watch the magic unfold on stage. Despite the daily grind, these shared moments of joy make it all worth it.

The constant struggle to make ends meet is tiring, but neither Jack nor Rose are strangers to adversity. Their struggle to survive on the sinking Titanic has taught them the value of resilience and determination. They are relentless, their spirits unbroken, their love for each other an unyielding beacon in the storm. Through their shared hardship, they find strength and an unwavering belief in a better tomorrow.

After their encounter on the Carpathia, Cal Hockley manages to retain much of his wealth. In stark contrast to Rose and Jack's modest life, he settles into a lavish penthouse in the heart of New York City. Despite his privileged lifestyle, Cal's life lacks the warmth and companionship he once found in Rose.

One day, as he strolls through the city, he stumbles upon the diner where Rose works. Recognizing her, he decides to step in, ordering a cup of coffee and settling into a booth that allows him a clear view of her. The sight of Rose, content and working diligently, unsettles him. He can't help but compare this vibrant, independent woman to the controlled and stifled Rose he once knew.

His visits to the diner become a regular occurrence. He watches Rose from afar, never making his presence known, never uttering a word. It's as though he's drawn to the life she has built, a life far removed from the one they could have shared.

Rose, in turn, notices Cal. His presence makes her uncomfortable, stirring up memories she wishes to forget. However, she does not confront him, choosing instead to carry on with her work, her head held high. Each time Cal walks into the diner, she is reminded of her past and the woman she used to be. Yet, it also reinforces the pride she feels for the life she now leads - a life of independence, hard work, and love.

Despite the discomfort, Rose does not let Cal's presence dictate her life. He is a part of her past, a ghost that occasionally haunts her. But Rose, always resilient, refuses to be rattled by these visits. She carries on, confident in her path and the choices she has made.

For Cal, these visits become a symbol of what he has lost and what could have been. Yet, he remains an outsider, observing a world that he can no longer be a part of, a world where Rose flourishes without him.

As Jack and Rose continue to carve out their humble life in New York, the tension from Cal's presence begins to seep into their everyday existence. Though Rose tries to hide it, Jack notices her discomfort. He senses the specter of Cal looming over them and it unsettles him.

One day, in an attempt to take their minds off their hardships, Jack takes Rose to an art exhibition. Among the crowd, they run into a wealthy benefactor who is taken by Jack's passion for art and his raw talent. She offers Jack a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to study at a prestigious art academy with a full scholarship. While it means a departure from their shared life and the possibility of prolonged separation, Rose encourages Jack to take up the offer, seeing in it a chance for him to escape the grueling manual labor at the docks.

Reluctantly, Jack agrees. He travels to the academy during the week, returning to Rose only on weekends. Their life takes on a different rhythm. The weekdays are lonely for Rose, her days at the diner longer without Jack around. Meanwhile, Jack struggles to fit into the polished world of the academy, his rough edges sticking out in stark contrast.

On one such weekend, when Jack returns, he finds Rose distraught. Cal had been at the diner again, but this time, he had approached her, pleading with her to leave her difficult life and return to the comforts he could offer her. Rose had refused, but the encounter left her shaken.

Witnessing Rose's distress, Jack decides to confront Cal. He finds him at his lavish penthouse, warning him to stay away from Rose. The confrontation between the two men is heated, their contrasting lives and shared love for Rose at the forefront.

Meanwhile, Rose, feeling increasingly isolated and overwhelmed by her circumstances, makes a drastic decision. She quits her job at the diner, deciding instead to use her education and upbringing to secure a job as a secretary at a reputable company. Her new role offers better pay and, most importantly, an escape from Cal's unsettling visits.

Life slowly begins to find a new equilibrium. Rose flourishes in her new job, finding a sense of satisfaction and pride in her work. Jack returns from the academy having honed his talent and earned recognition for his art. His paintings start selling, providing a much-needed boost to their income.

The struggle, the separation, and the challenges they face individually and together only serve to strengthen their bond. Their love, just like them, endures and grows amidst adversity, a testament to their shared past and their unwavering determination to build a better future together. Through every high and low, they have each other, their love serving as a reminder of where they came from and what they survived to get here. Their story is a story of resilience, of love born in adversity, and of a life built against all odds.

One afternoon, Jack is returning home from the art academy, his heart full of ideas for a new painting. As he takes a shortcut through an alleyway, he is suddenly attacked by a large, stray dog. The dog, terrified and aggressive, pounces on Jack, leaving him grievously injured. By the time help arrives, and Jack is rushed to the hospital, it's too late. Jack Dawson, the charming survivor of the Titanic, meets an untimely and tragic end.